As I write this I'm doing this as a vent and speaking my mind bout a few of my co-workers that treat me like I don't belong there and the fact they don't like me in the postion that I'm currently in and today is the day where I speak my mind on them cause I'm tired of them getting all smug at me and I been trying to be nice and now that's gone out the window with Ryan the cashier he pretty burned his last bridge with me today over what lane is his and who can and can't touch it and I told him that I assigned him to a different lane cause he's very anti-social with other workers and guests and I wanted him on a big lane cause he can work there without being spiteful with other cashiers that are new to the postion on the small lane and he has never helped out new people at all and I'm at the point where I'm going to file a grievance with hr bout him cause all he's been with me is very insulting bout my weight, schooling and how I have lanes setup with people and yet he's been there for over 5 years and he hold grudges with people that get promoted before he does and honestly I need advice on handle him because he has made me upset to the point where I don't want to go into work if I have to work an opening shift I'm almost ready to transfer to another store or asked to work either mid or closing shifts cause I can't work with a person that has so much disrespect towards his higher ups and it sucks cause I love my job |