Sustained.normal. bold. underline. italics. strike-through.
So for anyone who didn't already know, I'm fasting until the sun sets for Lent.
& God has shown me some pretty strange things through this.
- How to control my emotions. I am extremely cranky when I'm hungry so this has been absolute torture. Ha ha. I hate being in a bad mood & I feel like I am consistently this past week. Hopefully this is something God can help me with.
- I snack when I get bored (bored for me is rare since I'm so busy), I snack when I'm doing homework, I snack while I'm on the internet, I snack while I'm watching TV. So not having the option to snack, has been hard, but good. I am forced to be completely focused in whatever I am doing instead of having food as a distraction.
- Whether or not the 2 are connected, I don't know. But I've watched people change around me. Whether it's they're moving on to other things, or I am in a different place, I'm not really sure. Hopefully God will reveal that to me.
- I am starting to see the hurt, the sin, & the selfishness not only in myself, but in the people around me. Whether I know the person or not, I see it.
- I am about 1,000 times more sensitive to people sinning against God. In that, He is showing me not to judge & to love them unconditionally.
- I am immediately convicted when I sin. Right after I do/say/think something, God pulls me back & shows me the error in my ways.
- To say no when things start to spin out of control.
- That He really DOES provide. Sunday morning during worship, I started to feel really hungry & faint while I was singing. In my worship, I asked God to fill me up & sustain me. & He did.
- That you can have a million friends, best, close, acquaintances...etc. But that they will come & go as they please, & God will not. He is sturdy, He is grounded, & He's not going anywhere.
God has twisted my perspective of the world so much with this.
I feel so much more. When I sip water, I feel like I could cry. I am blessed with clean water.
When I get in the shower in the morning, I just stand there & soak it up. I am blessed with a hot shower every single day.
At the end of the day, when I bite into that first meal. I am constantly thanking God for every single bit of it. I am blessed with food.
I feel content & sustained in very simple things.
This is amazing.
- this layout was made by simple layouts.