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by Super Logica
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by Super Logica



love the prints! I really like the wallpaper too! lol!

[Erin R.]


Indeed I am back And wishing to know what's new with you my darling! Whatcha been up to? Loving the prints and loving the boots xxx

[x baby cakes x]


Love those boots!! Where they from?



They look lovely!



She's already done an entry where she got home alright. Ur new boots are verycute

[mrs mandy moo]


Verrrry nice.

[Acid Fairy]


No snow here for us.

Love the prints on the wall!

Cute boots!

[Loving Ciaran]

Scary busy!

Good luck Millie!

[Hope for Sunshine]

Scary busy!

a pointless entry is better than none at all

[Loving Ciaran]

Scary busy!

good luck

[& skull.]

Scary busy!

youll be right! good luck!.

[mrs mandy moo]

Scary busy!

Good luck!


Scary busy!

Good luck!

[Captain Awesome]

Scary busy!

Good luck! Although I wasn't aware you'd left the job you had. Gosh, I have no idea what is going on with you these days - you should Bloop more regularly, yo!

[la rana]

Scary busy!

Bon chance!

[Acid Fairy]

Fish pie

I like fish, and I like mashed potato, but together it is the stuff of the devil.

[Acid Fairy]

Fish pie

training on how ot use fb and twitter? hahaha. too funny

fish pie sounds disgusting.

and i, too, am amused at the melting of the cupboard.

[Loving Ciaran]

Fish pie

love fish pie!


Fish pie

I would be unamused like your mother. That's why I'm doing NoJoMo so I will use the blog.

[Captain Awesome]

Fish pie

ryn : i dont know, I hinted at the whole thing the last time i spoke to him, nothing was said. it may well be kept at her parents, in which case problem solved..

[mrs mandy moo]

Fish pie

you melted the cupboard with the oven on? lol thats scary. lol at your cat .

[mrs mandy moo]

My life would suck without you

The pope and politics wind me up no end too!


My life would suck without you

Yay for an entry, and winning the lottery!


My life would suck without you

lol u can put your winnings on the CC! that will learn ya i think everyone gets excited to start with, then the paying back sucks and if you're smart you stop /font>

[mrs mandy moo]

My life would suck without you

Pretty cool that your office pool won the lottery. How many of you were in it?

And I shouldn't have to remind you write on bloop when it's your freaking home page. You officially fail

[Loving Ciaran]

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