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by Super Logica
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by Super Logica

previous entry: My life would suck without you

next entry: Scary busy!

Fish pie


I feel like I'm doing a kind of informal NaNoJoMo, to start using this blog again!

Last night, my Mother made fish pie. I find it hard to believe that people voluntarily eat fish pie. I really don't like it! Anyway, said fish pie leaked all over the oven (it had a cheesy topping), so we had to find the instructions for cleaning the oven. After scrubbing away at the stains, you're meant to switch the oven on full power for X minutes to clean the filaments or something. So we did that, the result of which is that we've melted part of the neighbouring cupboard! My Mother is not amused! I am though, hehe.

Today at work I have a training session to learn how to use Facebook and Twitter! They are obviously things I need help with! It's only like half an hour though.

It's really windy outside, which makes the cat crazy. She doesn't like the noise, and runs around like a crazy person.

previous entry: My life would suck without you

next entry: Scary busy!

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you melted the cupboard with the oven on? lol thats scary. lol at your cat .

[mrs mandy mooStar|0 likes] [|reply]

ryn : i dont know, I hinted at the whole thing the last time i spoke to him, nothing was said. it may well be kept at her parents, in which case problem solved..

[mrs mandy mooStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I would be unamused like your mother. That's why I'm doing NoJoMo so I will use the blog.

[Captain AwesomeStar|0 likes] [|reply]

love fish pie!

[-)kitsune(-|0 likes] [|reply]

training on how ot use fb and twitter? hahaha. too funny

fish pie sounds disgusting.

and i, too, am amused at the melting of the cupboard.

[Loving Ciaran|0 likes] [|reply]

I like fish, and I like mashed potato, but together it is the stuff of the devil.

[Acid FairyStar|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: My life would suck without you

next entry: Scary busy!

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