The Millie is getting a bit fed up with the snow.
I know it's all exciting and pretty, but it's making the roads so horrid because the government FAILS at everything. How hard is it to put a lorry on the roads with either a gritter or a plough to clear the routes? Heck, I could get a lorry and go out and do it myself now, and it would probably only take a couple of hours to do the town. Remind me why I pay taxes.
I can't build a snowman either, because the snow is soooo powdery and will not stick at all. It's really weird, I've never seen snow like this in Britain. It has the consistency of glitter, and the minute you step on it it goes really flat and slippery (it doesn't have the "crunch" or wetness normal snow does).
I guess I'll be spending all day inside today. I went outside earlier and messed about a bit with the cat, and I kind of want to go up to the fields, but I don't want to fall over on the snow so I guess I won't.
I have lots of things I could be doing though. A huge pile in fact. I'll probably ignore it all and read.
I went to Beaconfield yesterday and had my rescheduled appointment. The new person I saw is really nice so that's cool. I have a workbook to read through on anxiety and phobias before my next appointment (20th Jan).
Also, I had my annual review at work and I rock. Everybody loves me. Which is good, but in the review documents we have to fill out have sections for room to improve, things I could do better etc., so mine is only half-filled and HR think I'm not "committed to the review process". Um, whatevs. I'm awesome.
It has seriously taken photobucket 30 mins to get into gear and upload this photo.