I am sick, but instead of wallowing in self-pity [tempting], I've taken photos of the flowers that have come up in the garden. The sun has shone a lot in the last week (although it's raining today). Hope the flowers make you feel summery 
So many tulips in the garden right now...

Also lots of violas...

These are red cowslips. I found them in a garden centre a couple of days ago.
Much prettier than the yellow ones!

Red primroses...

Wood anemone. Pretty, but spreads really quickly if you're not careful.

I forget what these are called. I call them fake daisies. I bought LOADS of them the other day, pink and white. Beautiful.

Apple blossom buds.

Four strawberry plants have survived the winter. They're small, but they're hanging on!

I'm trying to grow an aloe vera.
