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previous entry: An account of my free time

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Wildflower photos


Went to see Granddad's wildflowers yesterday, and took lots of photos (he's not actually my Granddad, but you know how I like to collect old people...). I seriously love wildflowers at the moment.

I also love bees.

How can you not find them fascinating???

You can see some more photos on Facebook.

previous entry: An account of my free time

next entry: A left-handed crusade

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These are pretty.

[st☆rlessStar|0 likes] [|reply]

The second one is my favorite.

[Toffee SprinklesStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Brilliant pics. Especially the bee!

[~RedFraggle~Star|0 likes] [|reply]

bees are pretty awesome! and any flowers for that matter. love em all.

[mrs mandy mooStar|0 likes] [|reply]

The pictures are amazing!! I love them so much.

[Shar|0 likes] [|reply]

Ryc: There's lots of places where I'd love to go horse riding but riding holidays are insanely expensive, so beyond my 3 days in Spain last year, I can't afford most of them. And the hours thing is a bit more complicated than that. I will come back and explain when I have more time.

[~RedFraggle~Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Beautiful Millie! :c)

[Hope for Sunshine|0 likes] [|reply]

RYC: Thank you! So far, yes I do find Darcy a bit annoying. Especially when he wrote that ridiculously long letter to straighten things out after being mean to Elizabeth and then saying how much he loved her. I still have a bit to go, so maybe I'll change my mind about him by the end. I've been trying so hard to figure out why everyone else likes him so much lol.

[Becoming Mrs. BaileyStar|0 likes] [|reply]

i love the one of the bee!

[Loving Ciaran|0 likes] [|reply]

ryc: SO, the hours thing. A year ago the European Working Time Directive forced hospitals to reduce junior doctors hours to an average of 48 hours a week max (so it's still OK to work 70 or even 80 hours a week as long as it's balanced out at another point with days off). Previously it was 56 hours, which suited most of us fine. Of course there's no more doctors to fill the gaps than there was before (and most hospitals and departments are already short. Our rota has been a few doctors down the last year or so because of unfilled jobs, people on sick leave, maternity leave etc) so the only way they could achieve the required service provision was by cutting the hours at which we were non-essential.

So as far as anaesthetics goes, they can't cut our 'oncall' (ie out of hours time) because at those times of day (evenings/nights/weekends) we as juniors pretty much run the service (that is emergency surgery, labour ward cover, ICU cover), and the consultants are oncall from home.

During the day there's plenty of people around and most elective surgical lists are run by consultants or senior trainees (with or without a junior trainee who is mostly there for training purposes), so as junior trainees we are not REQUIRED during the day, on elective lists, really, but the purpose of us being there is for us to be TRAINED. This is particularly important in years 3 and 4 (I'm in year 3) as that is when we do subspeciality training. We only get 2 months in each subspeciality (so I've already done my paeds anaesthetics, and now I'm doing pain medicine), so every day counts, and those are the days which we are losing (they are either becoming days when we're on call or on night shift instead, or they're days off to ensure our rota remains compliant with the EWTD).

So I actually am working less hours than I was a year ago (but more 12 or 13 hour oncall shifts and less ordinary 8 - 5 days) but I'm getting far less experience. And that is what concerns us and is why we (that is hospital doctors. My friends who are GPs are determined to work as few hours as possible!) want our hours increased again... because at the moment the length of our training is the same as it was 10 years ago (for anaesthetics it's 7 years) but we're getting far less experience in that time and we're worried we won't get the experience we need to be competent consultants.

So either they need to increase the hours, or increase the length of our training basically, but the government only cares about getting doctors which they can call 'consultants' so as to please the media and the public, regardless of how ready we are for that.

I told you it was complicated!

[~RedFraggle~Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Love bees too.

[-)kitsune(-|0 likes] [|reply]

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