1. What time did you wake up this morning? 7:30 am.
2. Who is the first person you spoke to after waking up? My sister.
3. Are you currently listening to any music? If so, what? I am listening to a podcast.
4. Have you taken any surveys other than this one today? Yes.
5. Whose birthday is up next on your calender? My dad's.
6. Do you have plans for tomorrow? Working. Visiting my grandpa. Going to the gym.
7. Who would you like to meet in the future? My husband.
8. What are you currently looking forward to? Nothing really.
9. Have you ever touched a shark? No.
10. Are you avoiding someone/something right now? No.
11. Where's the farthest you've ever been from home? Texas
12. Is today special to you in any way? No.
13. Where's your cellphone? Downstairs I think.
14. Do you believe in second chances? Maybe.
15. Is there anyone on your mind right now? Not really.
16. Are you a fan of Sharpie markers? Yes. I love them.
17. What CD or song is your favorite right now? New Incubus cd "Monuments and Melodies".
18. Have you changed out of your pajamas today? Yes.
19. Can you speak any other language, even just a little? Spanish.
20. Where is your favorite place to travel to? I don't know. I LOVED LOVED LOVED Texas so much I want to go there again so bad.
21. Who is your favorite musician? Idk I am sure there is someone..
22. Where did you last shop at? Hy-vee.
23. Do you cross your legs when you sit? Sometimes.
24. What was the last story you read? Part of the book I am reading.
25. Have you seen both of your parents today? Yes.
26. Are you ambidextrous? Only with chopsticks.
27. Do you prefer writing in print or cursive? Print.
28. What is your favorite TV show? Lots.
29. Is anyone you know a police officer? No.
30. Will you visit any relatives over your next vacation? No.
31. Are you planning on watching a movie tonight? No.
32. Do you wish you were currently somewhere else? Eh. maybe.
33. Are you a fan of scented candles? Yes.
34. Is there any food you're craving? I want a piece of cake.
35. What's your current favorite lyric? No. |