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Surveys to Pass the time
by MusicJunkee
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Surveys to Pass the time
by MusicJunkee

previous entry: No Love Songs

next entry: I'm In Miami Trick

Right Kind Of Wrong


Your room.

What's your favorite thing(s) in your room? My bed, my computer, my pictures and my camera collection. Oh wait...and I suppose my books too.

How many pieces of furniture are there? 3

Do you have a TV and/or gaming console? TV

What about an instrument? No.

What color are your walls? Pink.

What kind of things are hanging on your walls? Three different calenders, a board that has stuff hanging on it, and two posters.

How many windows do you have? Just this.

Do you have old photographs hidden somewhere? Not hidden, they are just stored under my bed in a box.

Your love life.

Are you single or taken? Single

How long have you been single/taken for? Forever

Are you saving sex for marriage? I believe so, yes.

How many significant others have you had? Haha.

Have you ever cheated on anyone? No

Do you know the bases? Yes

How old was the last person you dated?

Do you prefer older or younger guys/girls? Older

Your friends.

Where do you and your friends usually hang out? LoL.

Who is/are your best friend(s)? My sisters.

Which friend have you known the longest? Sisters.

Are any of them graduated or in college? All graduated highschool. No one went on to college, except me and I'm on a break from it.

If so, do you keep in touch often?

Is there anyone that really gets on your nerves sometimes? Yes.

Are any of them in your classes at school?

Can any of them drive? All but one.

Your interests.

How much television do you think you watch a week? There are only two shows right now that I feel I can't miss.

What's one television show that you love? Right now, The Amazing Race and Survivor.

Do you play any sort of instrument? No

Do you do drugs? No

Or drink? Sometimes.

Do you draw? No

Or listen to music? Yes.

Or play video games? No not really.

Your personality.

Are you creative? I don't think so.

What's one thing you like about your personality? When I put forth the effort to care, I care deeply.

What's one thing you dislike about your personality? I don't like to commit.

How often do you lie? Not often

Are you outgoing? Sometimes.

Are you organized? Yes.

Are you intelligent? I am sure I can be.

Are you more easy-going or serious? Easy-going.

Your hometown.

City or small town? It's in the middle of both.

Have you lived there all your life? Yes.

Are there any malls around? It's about half an hour away, maybe less.

What about parks? Yes

Are there a lot of fast food places and restaurants? Not a lot, but some.

How many people do you think live there? There are about 12,000 people I think.

If I were to go to high school there, what high school would I be going to? Not saying.

What town/city do you live in? Not saying.

Your features.

What color are your eyes? Hazel.

How do you like to style your hair? Depends. It changes all the time.

How tall are you? Short.

Do you wear any cosmetics? Almost all the time.

Do you have someone wax your eyebrows or do you tweeze them yourself? I get them waxed, it's about time for it too.

Do you paint your nails? Yes.

What is your ethnicity? Mostly french-canadian, german and irish.

Are you comfortable in your skin? Eh sure.

Your favorites.

Website? twitter, facebook, and

Color? Don't really have one.

Band/Artist? Lots.

Novel? Lots.

Brand of clothing? Old Navy.

Movie? Lots.

Fruit? Banana, Strawberries, Blueberries, Pineapple, Kiwi, Cherries

Meal of all time? Oh lol I couldn't pick.

Have you evers.

Traveled out of the country? No

Ridden on a roller coaster? Yes.

Skydived? No

Made love? No

Experimented with hard drugs or alcohol? Alcohol

Attended a music festival? Yes.

Hugged a stranger? Yes.

Stepped on a nail? Yes.

Would you rathers.

Eat a bar of soap or drink dish washing liquid? Neither...?

Drink or smoke? Drink.

Live without tv or without music? Neither.

Drive or fly? Drive

Eat Chinese food or Mexican food? Ooh depends.

Be invisible or have x-ray vision? Invisible

Only be able to whisper or only be able to shout? Whisper.

Live in Antarctica or live in Death Valley? Neither.

Your past.

Have you had your heart broken? Eh not really.

Have you lost a loved one? Yes.

What shows did you used to watch? Lots.

Would you go back in time to change anything? No.

What pets did you have, or still have? I have two dogs and 2 birds. I used to have another bird, but he passed. And we had a dog when I was little but she ran away.

Who was your first friend? Not sure who was first.

What part of your past was the most memorable? Lots of it.

Anything you regret? Sure.

Your future.

Do you plan on getting married? Yes oh yes.

What did you want to grow up to be when you were little? Lots of things. Teacher, Lawyer, or Writer.

What do you want to be now? Not sure.

How many kids do you want to have? If any, like two.

Any upcoming concerts you plan on going to? I wanted to go to Kings of Leon on Monday but I don't think I'll be able to.

Are you planning on going to college? Or are you in college now? I am on break right now because I'm tired of spending money on school when I don't know what I want to do.

What are your plans for tomorrow? Work. Gym. Amazing Race.

What are you going to do after this survey? I have to hang some curtains, finish some laundry and put some lotion on my face. lol.

previous entry: No Love Songs

next entry: I'm In Miami Trick

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RYC: Haha well that doesn't mean I WILL read them. And I doubt anytime soon, can't afford to get the books right now. I haven't even finished Harry Potter yet.

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