1. Where were you born in the world?: Omaha Nebraska.
2. Do you still remain there?: In a sense, yes.
3. Do you have any foreign blood in you? (If so, elaborate): Um...sure I suppose. I am a little Irish, Alot French Canadian and a little German.
4. What year were you born in? 1986
5. Were you early, on time or late?: I was a little early. My mother had to have an emergency c-section.
6. Look back, do you believe you had an easygoing childhood?: Um..sure. My family didn't have that much money but it didn't change the fact that my parents gave me everything I NEEDED.
7. Was it a happy one and full of great memories?: Sure.
8. Or does your childhood pain you to even think about?:
9. What particular birthday stands out?: My 12th. I got grounded.
10. Did your parents throw parties for you and invite all your friends?: No, my birthday is in the middle of winter so my birthday parties were usually cancelled because of bad weather.
11. How old were you when you started school?: I don't know...I think five.
12. Did you look forward to it or did your mother have to drag you there kicking and screaming?: I can't remember.
13. What subjects did you enjoy in these periods?: I don't remember..
14. What activities and hobbies did you enjoy outside school?: Playing with my siblings and neighborhood kids.
15. Were you very active or did you spend most time sitting in front of the TV?: We were very active until I was about 10 or so. We got our first computer. LoL.
16. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?: I have no idea.
17. What were your favourite toys?: I don't know. We usually just played with barbies.
18. How old were you when you started puberty?: Um...I can't remember. I think like 14 or 15.
19. Did you start before all your friends or after?: I think I was in the middle.
20. How have you changed since those early days?: I don't know. I mean obviously I've grown up.
21. Are you a social outcast or outgoing?: Neither. I mean for the most part I am pretty out going.
22. Would you say you were intelligent?: Sometimes.
23. Do you want to do well and get a good job?: I do. I want to do well all the time. Sometimes it's a bad thing.
24. Or are you more of a traditionalist - would you want to be a housewife bringing up your family?: Actually, I highly enjoy doing housework when no one is home, so that they can come home to a clean house with dinner being prepared. I love it. In fact, on my days off from work that is what I do. I clean the entire house, do laundry, get everything perfect and then I start dinner. and I couldn't be happier on those days. It's weird...however. I do still LOVE to go and see my friends at work and stuff. Ya know?
25. How old are you now?: 22
26. Do you still feel like a kid or are you more mature than most kids your age?: I don't know. I can be mature but I can definately be immature.
27. What are your current ambitions?: Pay off my bills, finish school, find the perfect man and settle down, travel ALL OVER THE WORLD, maybe have children.
28. Do you think they will change or will you get what you want in life?: They might change. But for the most part I don't think they will lol.
29. What would be the perfect career for you?: I have no idea. I'd love to do something with photography which would tie in perfectly with my want to travel all over the world.
30. What do you plan to study in college or university?: I am just doing my basics right now. It will probably end up being photography but I have to build up the cash flow so I can get myself a nice slr camera.
31. Do you think you are more academically minded or just clever?: I am more academically minded.
32. Do you like to think you are unique?: No.
33. Do you loathe the idea of conforming, like just being another victim of fashion?: I am always trying to mimic things in magazines, like make up things, fashion things and even stuff like "flirting tips". LoL. That sounds lame but whatever. I read Cosmo every month.
34. Are you open minded?: Yes.
35. Will you be friends with anyone, despite the way they dress etc.?: For the most part.
36. Don't you just hate cliques and labels?: There aren't that many "cliques" and "labels" after highschool. I mean they definately still exist but for the most part they are not that obvious. I don't know, maybe that doesn't make sense..
37. Are you still in education? Yes
38. Do you want to travel the world?: Absolutely.
39. Where would you most like to go and why?: Honestly, ALL OVER.
40. Does religion play any role in your life?: Yes.
41. What do you think of Christianity - do you believe that Jesus really existed?: Yes. I do.
42. What would be your worst nightmare?: I don't know. I am SO afraid of soo much. I am such a scaredy cat.
43. Has it ever come true?: Some.
44. Do you dream a lot?: I probably do every night but I most likely don't remember.
45. Do you think that your dreams are important - do they inspire you in anyway?: I don't know. I used to think that dreams would tell you about the things in your life that you are questioning. Maybe like answering those questions but I don't think so anymore. I think that dreams are like a playing field for your imagination and they just allow you to run wild, which is why your dreams are so crazy and vivid.
46. Do you speak any other languages?: Not fluently.
47. Do you think it would be interesting or fun to make up your own language?: I have before, with my cousin. But I don't remember it that much.
48. Do you have a vivid imagination?: Can.
49. What are you most frightened of?: I already said I am a scaredy cat.
50. Are you an active person - or are you lazy?: LoL both. I have been super lazy the last like 2 months. I haven't been to the gym and it's killing me. I need to start going back or I'll NEVER fit in my bridesmaids dress.
51. What is your favorite form of exercise?: I love the elliptical machine, however it sucks balls cause it's hard.
52. What are your favourite things to do when you have spare time?: I never have spare time. I do however love to go to different places around town, places I haven't been and take pictures.
53. What do you love to do but never have the time?: I love to cook/bake. I love to organize. I need to organize my room.
54. Are your parents strict with you?: They were to the point where I kept myself in line. But they gave me my freedom.
55. Do you have any piercings?: Ears.
56. If not, do you want any?: --
57. What are your goals as of now?: I already answered this..
58. What are you most looking forward to this month?: Paying off my credit card, I hope.
59. Do you live life to the full?: Not always.
60. Have you ever been seriously ill?: Um, no. Thank god.
61. Do you find life too difficult at times?: Sure.
62. Have you ever been diagnosed with depression?: Not diagnosed.
63. Does music play an important part in your life?: Absolutely.
64. What kind of music do you choose to listen to?: Almost anything. Mostly Country and Rock.
65. Where are your favourite places to be by yourself, besides your bedroom?: Driving.
66. Do you believe in love and soul mates?: Yes. Yes and Yes yes yes.
67. Are you a romantic sort of person who wants their knight in shining armor?: Yes.
68. Do you believe in yourself?: Not always.
69. Do you have a low self esteem?: Yes.
70. Do you spend a lot of time hating yourself? If so, why?: I am too busy to focus on myself like that.
71. Do you give good advice to people?: Sometimes.
72. If I asked you to describe yourself in words, what words would you give me?: No.
73. What do you hate?: Lots of things.
74. Who are your best friends?: I have them.
75. Do you like to express yourself through writing or art?: Photography I suppose. |