My dad called today. He had Covid a few weeks back and had an update. Apparently he's still struggling with after effects and ..... basically long term Covid. He's still got a cough but now he's also having neuropathy in his legs and hands. He already had a compromised immune system due to his diabetes; which can lead to neuropathy if you don't do what you are suppose to do to properly treat your diabetes. Covid basically exacerbated it and now he's dealing with this. There is no fucking cure for neuropathy. My dad got prescribed 7 different medications today.
It's been a struggle to not go down the rabbit hole because of all the losses in the last few years and......this is my dad. This is the man that stepped in where a lesser man couldn't/wouldn't. I'm not ready for my dad to have neurological issues. He's only 57 for Christ's sake.
If my family could getting a fucking break, that'd be great.