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-Neurotically Yours's Diary
by -Neurotically Yours

previous entry: But for me, it was Tuesday.

next entry: You know what I just did?

Absent Without Leave


I'm going to be in St. John's for the remainder of the night and for a day or two after. If you show up, I'll give you an autograph, but you'll have to wait for the occassional breather I take from Resident Evil 5. It releases midnight tonight and I'm going to be airly busy with it. The only other activities I'm really seeing happening are eating, sleeping, and hanging out with other people I know up in said city, with a side of getting online once in a while. I migt even be able to con Josh into downloading some music I've been wanting....hmm.....

My time AWOL starts now. I'll be logging periodically until Saturday night through Monday. Quite the window. Then it'll be back to the old grind of whenever I remember to get online. See You all then.

previous entry: But for me, it was Tuesday.

next entry: You know what I just did?

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I know you're counting down the days.

[-kayStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Have fun!!!!

[FurboxStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Have fun! :]

[xo heather|0 likes] [|reply]

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