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-Neurotically Yours's Diary
by -Neurotically Yours

previous entry: Said the pen to the page

next entry: Something Positive

Distant Worlds


This isn't anything I've been working on writing. This is me reporting one of the single most AMAZING events of my life. Which makes me a huge nerd. And I do not care one bit. I'm out at Lindsay's and we just got back from a concert. And by concert, I mean a live symphony. Despite the fact that the show was totally sold out, we somehow managed to get FRONT AND CENTER ROW SEATS to see Distant Worlds: The Music of Final Fantasy. I mean....seriously, I'm out of luck for the rest of my life. Final Fantasy has been an integral part of my gaming life, from the very first game to the most recent. They played the main Final Fantasy theme, they played the chocobo song. There was so much! Like any other nerd who grew up in the era that Final Fantasy VII was the biggest thing in gaming, I got all choked up and close to shedding tears when they played Aerith's Theme. Live symphony versions of emotionally charged music have a way of sneaking up on you sideways. And I ended up actually shedding tears of joy when they ended the show with a loud, full chorus version of One Winged Angel. Dear God. That is something I wish everyone could experience, at least once. And to top it all off, the legendary composer of all the music from the very opening theme of the first song, to the close of Final Fantasy XI, Nobuo Uematsu was THREE FEET AWAY FROM ME. Ahhh......This is easily one of the best nights of my entire life. I wish I could have shared the excitement with you all, even if it's not your thing. I haven't been this happy in a long time.

previous entry: Said the pen to the page

next entry: Something Positive

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that would ahve been awesome. lol. Travis has been having nerd-gasms all day thinking about the show. He was there. probably the one who threw a bra on stage. or at least attempted... he said something about a Meet and greet today. not sure if that meant he was getting one, or that he wanted one. i dont remember. lol.

[Ice VampireStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I'm not a gamer, but I can tell how excited you are about the symphony! That's great :]

[xo heather|0 likes] [|reply]

that sounds like fun.

[~raenaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

That would have been amazing.
You are lucky.

[Just_live|0 likes] [|reply]

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