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-Neurotically Yours's Diary
by -Neurotically Yours

previous entry: according to josh...

next entry: C'mon C'mon

Do the Bobble-Head Bounce


Little Known Fact: I have an Iron Man bobble-head. Lindsay's mom seems to think it would make an awesome accompaniment to the Iron Man dvd she got me. Without a means of securing it to an area of my truck that would not obstruct my view, it sits sadly on my dresser and only bobbles when I open drawers. It's sad to be doing nothing.

Lesser Known Fact: Once upon a time, a friend of mine (more of a pen pal really) sent me a book for kicks and giggles entitled "Juggling for the Complete Klutz," having gotten the idea from one of our conversations, which often meander into the realm of total nonsense. As some of my friends know, I enjoy talking for long periods of time for no other reason than to have conversation, whether it makes sense or not. So these descents into strangeness are something I miss since I don't think either of us has a cell phone anymore. Anyway, for a long time I chuckled when I thought about it, but I'd never actually tried to learn to juggle. I rectified that this morning when I stumbled across an old postcard from her. I dug the book out of it's lonely hibernation on the shelf and began to flip through it. I worked at it for about half an hour with balled up socks. Now, balled up socks make for terrible things to juggle, since they have the habit of bouncing out of your hand. Despite that after many screw-ups and mulligans, I managed a few tosses with three socks. I plan to continue practicing as it is, for some unfathomable reason, a fascinating passtime.

Previously Unknown Fact Which Is A Product Of The Previous Facts Combined: My bobble head is extremely content with it's lot in life for the moment, as it's bobbled more in the half hour that I started juggling than most bobble heads bounce in an entire lifetime in a car, due to the various and multiplied mistakes. Juggling is difficult to get the hang of at first, but it's all mental timing and movement. Once muscle memory and restraint kick in, it will be infinitely easier.

Sudden Revelation: Since balled up socks did not work well, I tried to find three similarly shaped objects that could be juggled. Having come into contact with no two things alike enough in my room, I will have to buy some hacky sacks, or perhaps those eggs that hold silly putty. Those seem to work strangely well.

A Last Word: I'm a little surprised you're still reading. This has had nothing o do with anything at all. But you've persevered! Or skipped to the end. Cheater. Anyway, for a real update, show up in a few days and I may have something for you.

A Playlist:
Botten Anna - Basshunter
DotA - Basshunter
Hotel - Broken Social Scene
Too Drunk To Fuck - Dead Kennedy's
You Don't Know Me - Ben Folds
House of the Rising Drum - Delinquent Habits
Different - Egypt Central
Worlds Away - From First To Last
Freightliner - Hot Water Music
The Future Freaks Me Out - Motion City Soundtrack
And Then - Pavement
Marisa Stole The Precious Thing - IOSYS
The Wreckoning - Nonpoint
Turning Japanese - Peppermint Creeps
You Are My Face - Wilco
How We Breathe - Pinback
16 Military Wives - The Decemberists

previous entry: according to josh...

next entry: C'mon C'mon

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ur insane. lol

[Ice VampireStar|0 likes] [|reply]

You... are defanitly unique..
Yes you are.

[Just_live|0 likes] [|reply]

Maybe you can join the circus and travel the world now? HEHE ;]

[xo heather|0 likes] [|reply]


[FurboxStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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