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-Neurotically Yours's Diary
by -Neurotically Yours

previous entry: funny, isn't it?

next entry: To bother or not to bother?

For Those of You Who Speak Fire Emblem (plus more)


I started my run through to make an arena team on Fire Emblem and in general to gather supports and finish HH mode. By the time I finished Lyn's story, I Pallied Kent at L20 from boss abusing. Through RNG abuse I managed to get him to cap speed and go 1 from cap for strength and skill. *Borat voice* Niiiiiiiiiice. I got Erk and Lucius around L7 or 8 and L capped with Nils. So next I start HH. Gonna be a pain >_

previous entry: funny, isn't it?

next entry: To bother or not to bother?

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that's awesome
im happy for you.
good luck on that thing

[~raena|0 likes] [|reply]

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