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-Neurotically Yours's Diary
by -Neurotically Yours

previous entry: The Grandson of Jesus.

next entry: Rant

I was going to rant...


but then it didn't happen.  I don't have the necessary fires stoked at this point in time, but you can look forward to an angry angry rant sometime soon.  For those of you who don't know, I originally started this journal to put out my own severely biased views on subjects in the form of rants, and to keep up with one of my friends who never uses any other website.  It's been a good long while since I ranted, so I'm hoping this one will be pretty good.  I think the last one I did made Reader's Choice...back when it was still around.  I wish it were.  i liked that.  I might have to write Steve an angry letter....hmm....

In other news, I'm headed off to Lindsay's place for 4 days or so.  I'm leaving Tuesday and we'll both be coming back on Friday.  Then we just have to figure out how she's getting home, and whether I'm taking her or not.  But it should be a good time.  This Thursday marks two years of being together and 1 year of being engaged.  Dont' really know what we're doing for the anniversary type dealy, but we'll figure something out.  I'll see you all...or at least most of you, shortly after coming back home.

As a last note, if you want to hear these songs, most of them are on my playlist at  Look for the Redefining Infamy account and they should be on the "even moar" playlist.  enjoy ^_^

Now Playing:

Swimmers - Broken Social Scene

The Diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin

Chemicals Collide - Cloud Cult

Into the Flood - Deepfield

Home - Egypt Central

Holiday In Cambodia - Dead Kennedy's

Droppin Plates - Disturbed

1-2-3 - Earthsuit

The Webs We Weave - Escape The Fate

Worlds Away - From First to Last

Tracey Gold - Freezepop

Love Is Dead - Kerli

Kinda I Want To - Nine Inch Nails

Supermassive Blackhole - Muse (for Kay ^_^)

This Is Why I Rock - Mims

Kentucky Cocktail - Pavement

Duality - Ra

Creep - Radiohead

Du Hast - Rmmstein

Morgenstern - Rammstein

Moskau - Rammstein

Light It Up - Rev Theory

Bad Girlfriend - Theory of a Dead Man

Disko - Shiny Toy Guns

This Is Halloween - Marilyn Manson

The Beautiful People - Marilyn Manson

Car Crash - Cloud Cult

Get Out Alive - Three Days Grace

When You Were Young - The Killers

previous entry: The Grandson of Jesus.

next entry: Rant

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I love The Beautiful People & When You Were Young yo! *high five*

[kel-syStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Have fun at Lindsays :]

[xo heather|0 likes] [|reply]

Holy shit yo.....I didn't know that you and Lindsay are engaged! That is awesome! You need to come over some time and play rock band with us again! Hope to see you soon man.

[Furbox|0 likes] [|reply]

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