Honey! You can NEVER give up. I know that what you have is real and that it's a real problem for you. People tend not to understand issues they don't have themselves.
I may not have that particular problem but I do have similar ones and I understand. You might need to go to therapy honey. I don't want someone setting you off and you doing something you'll regret when you come back to yourself.
Remember, I love you and if you need to talk, I'm here.
As I have experienced, "getting over it" is easier said that done. I don't want you to think this away again, Desi, it's not good for you. Try to relax, get a new hobby, try that pen pal website that I linked you. Just don't give up, okay? As my topher says, "try not to let it get to you so much." But again, I have a hard time remembering that. If you wanna talk,you know how to reach me.