So...I am officially cracking down and getting serious about weight loss. So is Chris. So to keep me honest, I'll keep you updated on how its going here. I bought a scale that tracks for two's see through even. It measures within .2 increments, and then tells you how much you've lost or gained. In the next few days, I'm also buying a kitchen scale to measure our food. This will help with counting hte calories. This isn't easy, but it's got to be done. I want my pre-baby body back, and he needs to lose 20 pounds for the air force.
Let's see...I have one more week in physical therapy unless they extend it. I'm still planning on getting a breast reduction. Apparently, my birth mother had TWO. My only worry is not being able to breastfeed. That's so very important to me. But, I did get sized again, and got some comfortable bras, so it's a start.
I got a new DVD player and home theater system. It's bluray, so that's new. The theater system was because I found that I had to turn the TV to 80-100, if I was watching Netflix on the xbox, or a DVD in the old DVD player. Basically, if it wasn't the cable, you couldn't hear it. With me being hearing posed a problem since not everything has subtitles, and even then, not being able to hear it was frustrating.
Well, that's it for now. Tschüss!! |