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Bwoop Die-uh-weeeee.
by Lizzy.

previous entry: Fresh starts...

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Hollywood, We Never Goin'


And All The Kids in the Hood, Come and Wave and Shake Your Hands

previous entry: Fresh starts...

next entry: My Friends Are The Most W

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The title of your entry caught my attention lol I love Hollywood Undead.

I've been to the Modern Exchange once to see my friend's boyfriend's band and I wasn't really a fan of the venue =/ lol

[*I*Am*Me*Star|0 likes] [|reply]

I just wanted to say...your mother creeps me out sometimes, and I totally loved that episode of family guy =P
OK, now I'm going to go back and read the rest of this. =P
Just sayin.

[ChaosKitten.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Your mother...doesn't exactly think first before she jumps into things, I'm guessing?
As for Gina & her boy, FINALLY!! I wondered when that was going to happen =P
We'll find her a new man together. But...Idunno. The modern? Too many burnouts and losers flock there.
I hear you on the whole hating work thing...I'd love it if they actually gave me hours. I think I'm one of the only people in existence who actually enjoys working at McDonalds =P
I'm glad to hear about you and Holly =)
(And I won't rip your tits off if you do get back together =P That would be so sad.)

[ChaosKitten.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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