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Mini Source's Diary
by Mini Source

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Quick observations


As I quickly scan my new, temporary blogging home, I find a few things that, if I may, rustle my jimmies.

Members murdering other members? Microwaving babies? What did I just sign myself up for?

This should be fun

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The members murdering other members has been brought up this one time in the 10 years I have been on this site.
No need to be frightened [:

But yes, members do find the oddest news stories around and post the stories to generate conversation and feedback.

But, otherwise, we are a family of all different sorts.
Just gotta pick the people you feel comfortable with and stick with them [:

Welcome to Bloop, it's a great family of people.
<3 Sarah

[canceroustearsStar|0 likes] [|reply]

It is indeed a most delightful family! Canceroustears there has me blocked, even though I don't know her from Adam - I think I agreed with someone who disagreed with an opinion of hers once! Gosh, who needs sibling squabbles when you have a whole Bloop family to squabble with and block!

And yes, there is a certain subset of Bloopers who take a rabid interest in stories of mothers who torture and kill their children in novel ways. Bloop is totally the place to be if you like your jimmies rustled.

[Always EstellaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

So this is basically a Lifetime movie in real life! Jolly fun!

[One Night|0 likes] [|reply]

Welcome to Bloop! (:♥

[Bellatrix LestrangeStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Well you missed the English paedophile grooming teenagers on here!!

[~*Pagan*~Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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