Medicaid is here! I was starting to worry since I had finished sending in everything a little over a week ago but it's only taken about a month. I got really discouraged when they sent me a paper because I couldn't provide two forms of state residency...which I can now but that's not the point. came today. Yes, my medicaid card and I got so excited only to remember that the obgyn that I want only works Monday through! But it's ok. Now I can see my new schedule and make my appointment around the time that I'm working so I don't have to change anything. By that time it might be time to see what baby is going to be!!! I'm super excited! Now I can't wait until's going to take so long to get here and it's almost here anyway. It's kind of like June. And I get paid on tuesday which just makes the week so much better. I think time will go by faster now that I will have appointments to look forward to. Something else to count down to except what week baby is in. Gosh I can't wait!Sx3.Layouts
Hoping For A GirlSx3.Layouts |