I'm watching the second Madagascar movie....Melman and Gloria are so cute!! Kevin's kinda giving me a foot massage and it feels amazing but it kinda tickles too

It's been a crazy week! I don't even know where to start. We've lost the remote to the TV that changes the television station LOL so we've been watching movies for the past few days...I have a big medium moving box full of DVDs and we've almost gone through them all :/ oh well. I guess it means that it's time for me to go movie shopping!! Umm...Kevin's dad is in the hospital. We went to see him today and I have officially decided that I don't like hospitals. He's on the floor where everyone has serious illnesses. I didn't feel really safe there being pregnant and all even though it is the hospital and it's supposed to be clean. They keep it freezing in there!! Anyway, his dad has something like an infection that started in his nose and has spread to his blood stream. Some people there think it's mirsa...but I don't care. I don't want to be there at all. Kevin and I went walking through the maternity wasn't all it was cracked up to be. I was disappointed. I really don't want to have the baby there but I'm not sure if I really have a choice. The people from the job that I applied for about two weeks finally got their act together and hired me. I swear I called them at least once a day for like a week straight. I think they only hired me because I kept calling and they wanted me to stop annoying them LOL. So I'm getting paid minimum wage and the only bill I have is grocery shopping and not even really that since everyone is pitching in for everything. So other than the random bills that I get in the mail since I'm bad and I never paid them

I really have nothing to worry about. Kevin says that after the baby is born that I can get a motorcycle. I think I'm getting an R6. But I really want to finish the tattoo that I have now and then get the baby's hands and feet tattooed on my other shoulder blade.
So I was 10 weeks on Tuesday. Super excited that I only have like 3 more weeks left in this trimester. Not so excited that the headaches have set in not to mention that I have to pee every 5 minutes and it's only a few drops. So I look like an idiot trying to hold in my pee because I know that I really don't have to go but I feel like I'm about to wet my pants like a freaking two year old who didn't go before we left the house LOL. I really didn't have the morning sickness but if I remember correctly from the last time that didn't hit me until about 4 months. I'm waiting for to see if it's going to come this time before I go empty the store for Club crackers and Ginger Ale. I'm also getting moodier. I can feel it and see it when I talk to people. And as much as I try to hide it, it just comes out. I get mad really fast now. You say one thing to me and I'm almost guaranteed to come back with something.
I have to go into work tomorrow to fill out all the paperwork. The woman told me that I needed to have 20 bucks for uniform and processing. I was like ok because back home yeah we have to pay for our uniform and the shipping costs so no big deal. But I was looking at what everyone was wearing and they all have on the same shirt and name tags but they don't wear hats and they don't wear the same pants. So I got to thinking about it and then I was like well what's the real uniform cost? They better not hand me one shirt. I'm going to throw a fit! I only pay 20 bucks for one shirt when it's a high class shirt not a freaking uniform.
It's dinner time! Hamburger helper and green beans and then ice cream for dessert!!