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~Can Only Go Up~'s Diary
by ~Can Only Go Up~

previous entry: Quicky

next entry: Sick baby



Poor kiddo! My poor baby has pneumonia and an upper respiratory infection. We were debating on taking her to the ER or waiting for a pediatrician appointment. I guess it's a good thing we didn't wait! We went in at 10ish and sat in the waiting room for a good hour before the express care doctor even came to see us. Then he sent us to the back for a regular room where we saw the nicest male nurse I've ever met. He said he would rather have 10 overly worried parents than one parent that kept pushing it off until it became a serious issue. They said her ears were clean and her throat was and lungs were fine. Her oxygen was good. She did has some sinus issues, but that was nothing to be worried about. Then the doctor came in and told us the same things after checking her again. Then he said that if we wanted we could get her x-ray done to see if there was any buildup around her lungs (which he said was highly unlikely). So we got them done. It was the worst! Kevin was holding her legs and I had her arms. We had to keep her as still as possible and she cried and cried. I felt so bad for her but I'm glad we did it. So about an hour later he comes in to tell us that she did have some build up and she needed amoxicillin (sp?) as an antibiotic. They gave her her first dose at the hospital and despite us telling them that she was just going to puke it back up, they gave it orally. So not even 1 minute later, up it comes. So then they give her something in a shot form and still give us the prescription for the oral medicine. We asked about some acid reflux medicine but they told us nothing. It's been a long night and I have to work today plus go pick up a check from my old job. Oh well, time to go to work. Yay.Sx3.Layouts

My Stick Family from

Birthday Tickers from

previous entry: Quicky

next entry: Sick baby

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