Screw it! I actually got some sleep last night thanks to Kevin who stayed up with Brooklyn until 4am. And then it was my turn, so I've been up since 4am and I get to close work tonight so I might be home by 11pm. I'm catching up on Teen Mom 2 and it's cool because it gives me a reason to cry even though I'm really not paying that much attention to it. I guess since it is just me and B right now that I could just cry but I don't want her to see me crying. I thought we were doing fine, but Kevin was on FB this morning and sent his old girlfriend a happy birthday message. I didn't say anything but it tore me to pieces. Just a couple days ago I denied my ex a friend request. Kevin kept asking me about it so I told him that I didn't have time for my ex to be in my life. Which is true, I don't, but apparently he does. It just makes me mad that I'm trying so hard to keep myself straight and he could care less. His computer's sitting within arms reach. I could easily log into his account and delete all his exs but I want it to be something that he realizes bothers me and he deletes them. It will never happen but a girl can dream right? B is sleeping next to my leg and it kills me to look at her so peaceful knowing that soon she'll be having these same thoughts and she'll be crying over a boy and I honestly don't know how I'm going to make her feel better because I can't even use her own father as an example. What sucks even more is that I know if I say anything to him he'll blow it off and think I'm blowing it out of proportion or being will be the same thing as it was last time I said something except that time I did go in and delete them and they ended back on his friends list. It's crap like this that pushes me ever more closer to not giving a damn and walking out on him and taking my daughter with me. Is that legal? Can I just up and leave with her? Sx3.Layouts