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Hani B
by DreamOreoCookies

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New wed couple


Hi everyone!

So today I'm pretty excited! Tomorrow is my cousin's second wedding! No, it doesn't mean she's marrying another guy . She already had her wedding in Singapore but she wants to have a second one with her husband, at KL because her husband lives in KL.

My maternal cousins will be there my maternal grandma has 8 children so altogether I have 21 maternal cousins! We'll be travelling by bus to her wedding place.It's been a long time since we've been together. So I don't have to pack my clothes, my mother does that for me so anyway here's what I'm bringing:

-My 11 birthdays book by Wendy Mass
-My journal
-My pencil box
-My drawing pad, oil pastels and water colours.
-My spectacles

Maybe I'm bringing a few more stuff. I technically do not have a favourite cousin. I don't have any cousins who is in my age so I kind of feel left out because I'm not a real teen -and of course I'm not a small child- like my big bro and there's this older cousin of mine, 16 years old who kinds of has this off and on switch. On means I'll treat you like and adult. Off means I'll treat you like a 5 year old kid.

But I know she won't bother me tomorrow. She'll be too busy praising my pretty bride cousin. I'll do the same too. I think it wouldn't be nice going to a wedding empty handed right? But it's not like she's the queen or anything :3

My grandmother has invited my cousin over with her husband to my home and I like they're company. Although my siblings and I are trying to bond with our cousin in law. If they do read this, hope you guys stay happy together

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next entry: Life Update

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And congratulations for your cousin! >(^.^)< :3

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