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by Paris
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by Paris

previous entry: Classy is not my style.

New Year



Though writing this may contridict my last entry I must say that I went into the New Year with class, or at least as much class as I can possibly muster. I wore my only pair of straight leg jeans that have a rip in the knees to give it that "edgy" look, a turqouise tank top with a white tank underneath & this grey...vest...shawl thingy which name I will never learn to call it. All in all my outfit was casual & appropriate- if you saw me from a distance you would probably think I was somebody's mother.
I had more than plenty of booze to hold me for the night & I still have a tone left over which means I drank enough to have a buzz but not enough to make a total ass of myself. I didn't sit on anyones lap (which was a first for me) & my swearing was kept to a minimum. However, I did challenge a guy or two too a fight but never actually fell through with it. Which in my case was a good thing considering it would be bad manners to take down the host of the party & your friends idotic boyfriend. Which yes, I have done before (without inflicting any serious injury).
I didn't make any New Years resolution but I managed to go into the New Year without my ass or wobbly bits hanging out, inflicting any physical contact onto anyone or flirting with a complete stranger. If I do say so myself that's not a bad start!

My first week of 2010 has been pretty laid back. I saw Sherlock Holmes on the 1st & must say that I have always been in love with Robert Downing Jr. even if he is 44 years old- I have always been more into men than guys my own age. I saw Avatar on Sunday, & honestly I still do not understand the point of 3D nothing actually pops out at you anymore it just supposbly gives you the feel that your really in the movie which I didn't take much notice too. Still, the movie did meet my expectations & I would go see it a second time.
My friends and I have discovered a cheap way purchase the ridculously exspensive popcorn. We took an empty bag of popcorn that had been used by our friend who just came out of the theatre & we neatly folded it up, put it into my purse & went into the theatre. During the previews we took it out, unfolded it & went to get our free refill-with every large pop & popcorn you get a free refill right? So just keep your popcorn bag next time & bring it with you to your next movie & WHA LA! Free unlimited refills for life. Or at least untill they change the bag.

Genuise, I know!

previous entry: Classy is not my style.

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happy birthday =] your new years outfit sounds lovely, even though it was 2 and a bit years ago!

[shiloh.xo|0 likes] [|reply]

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