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Stay Sane.
by --Heather

previous entry: 30 Day Challenge, day 3

next entry: My attempt to be frugal

Holy Fuck! (I suck at titles)


Okay, the last entry I wrote was on Monday. So much bullshit (and good shit) happened that day that it took me four hours to write an entry. I didn't write it all down because I figured I would save it for later.

It's later.

Okay, so my final research project for my English II class was due by midnight Monday. It had to be 7-8 pages long, and my TA graded so "thouroughly" that I felt as if I had to re-write the WHOLE thing from my rough draft last week. I was so frustrated with it, I emailed my TA and asked what exactly she wanted me to do. She told me I had too many direct quotes. I just didn't get it. So I went back to work on it and hoped she got my email sooner than later.

Daniel was on a trek to look for a job. As of late, he has no job, isn't going back to North Dakota, and we have $40 left to our names. ALL of our bills are paid, but I stress about bills and being homeless. I've been there before too many times, so it's a big fear of mine. Well, one of the welders from North Dakota called Daniel with three job leads to check out. As soon as he hung up the phone, his Dad calls with the information of the place he works at. Then, immediately after he hung up the phone with him, his cousin Eddie called with another job lead. That was five leads back to back to back. We looked at each other and said, "It's a sign!" Then he had me rub my boobs in his face for good luck. lol

Daniel was out putting water in the Pontiac (something about the fans not kicking on ot the thermostat needs to be replaced, I don't know) and came back downstairs to tell me I have a visitor. I go upstairs and guess who's on my front porch? Natasha. Gah! Leave me alone already, bitch! I give Daniel a dirty look, he giggles and kisses me goodbye, and leaves to apply for these jobs. She has Gage, her four year old. I tell Gage to go play with David and I sit on the porch with Natasha. She sits there and bitches about Nikki for awhile. I actually asked her about the Gage/molestation thing. She said, Yes, Nikki and Gage had that conversation. That Gage was displaying that behavior (because he had been molested before), but the cops were never called. Natasha said she talked to Char (Cavin's mom) and that she trusts Char and what she has to say. The punishment was that Cavin couldn't play with the kids for a week or sumthin'. I even told her that Cavin was playing with Aerian, her daughter, that same day. So, you suspect a little boy sexually abusing your little boy, and all you do is talk to his mother and say the kid can't play with your kids for a week?! What the hell kind of person, what kind of mother, are you?!

Natasha then tells me that she is about to go to the E.R., because she can barely talk and has been sick for two weeks. I swear to fucking god I almost said out loud, 'Well, if you stop tweaking your immune system wouldn't be so weak!' I caught myself though. We then go off on some other bullshit conversation about Dez (Nikki's schitzophrenic friend that was living with them, the one I found in my house on the last day Nikki worked for me... NOT HAPPY!). She told me that Nikki would fuck with Dez and tell her that she was hearing things, fucking with her and her sleep and shit. She then tells me she is taking Dez the rest of her shit in Denver (which is about 30 minutes south of where I live, but once you start getting into the city, it's a few hour long journey) then head back to Greeley and go to the ER there, 15-20 mins north of me. Why the hell would you go to Denver then head to the ER 1 1/2 hours out of your way? That makes no fucking sense to me. Why not just go to the ER in Denver?

So, Tasha then asks me if I have to work that day. I told her no, I still wasn't working yet, but I have a HUGE research project due that day that would take up my time. You know she tells me next? Oh, well I was going to take Gage and Angel (the baby) to the ER with me but ER's are horrible for kids, and I was wondering if Gage could stay here and play with David.

1) I told her a while ago that I DO NOT babysit other peoples kids. If I babysat, I would get a CPR license, and a daycare license, and set up home day care. I would be making decent money to stay at home with other people's kids and 'play'. (I use the term play loosely, because I don't believe that's all they do).
a) The thing preventing me from starting a daycare is that I don't like other people's kids. I'm not a fan of Gage's. I know it isn't Gage's fault he is the way he is, but he requires a huge amount of attention, all the time. And he isn't on the age level he needs to be. My boys have been raised to be more self-sufficient. As in, they aren't hanging all over me all the time. They can play by themselves and not scream when I leave the room.

Well, I'm kind of a pushover though. So I tell her he can play for a little while here. But, seriously?! Did you not HEAR me tell you I was busy today? What the fuck?! Then, get this, she tells me R.W., her HUSBAND and the father of her kids, is upstairs sleeping, and if I need anything to wake him up. So, let me get this straight: You want me to babysit (when I told you I wasn't a babysitter) while you go to Denver, then Greeley to the ER while this child's father that I am babysitter is upstairs sleeping at 11 am?! What the fuck kind of bullshit is this!!! Not only this, but the kid isn't potty trained, has no diaper or underwear on, and didn't send him with his sippy cup that he cries for. Nothing. UGH!! Seriously, after 30 minutes my head was going to explode.

Then, about noon-ish, I hear a drill.

Let me just start off by saying that at the top of our stairway, there is a door that is deadbolted that leads to the upstairs apartment. I don't know why it's there. All I know is that no one has a key to that door. Shortly after Vicki, my neighbor, moved out a few weeks ago, we discovered that door open. Well, we know that you can get into her house through a window. Then, Darrell the landlord told me he suspects a squatter up there. Then, Tasha tells me that she thinks Nikki is still running around here somewhere. Well, I call Darrell the morning after I discover this door open and call him to ask him to hole it up. He gets upset and tells us, "NO ONE is supposed to have a key to that door! How did it get open!!!" Notice I use no question mark here. Because he was barking at me, practically. I just tell him that I don't know, but I am uncomfortable with it being open and to please close it up. He said okay.

I wait a week, and the door is still open. Look, I hear people walk around upstairs sometimes at night and it makes me nervous. I don't know if someone is going to jump out at me while I'm walking up the stairs. I know it seems silly, but to me it isn't. It's a safety issue. So the fact that I have lived here a year and a half, my rent and utilities are always paid, and I have to remind my landlord after a week to do something pisses me off. Especially as small as locking a fucking door.

So I call again, and he says again, "Well, no one should even have a key tothat door!" Uhh, I fucking TOLD you, I do not know how the door got opened. I am just asking you to close it! He says, Why? Does it make ou uncomfortable? Umm... yes. It does. Just close it. He tells me he would do it the next day.

Another week goes by, and the door is still open. So, Daniel takes a screw and screws the door shut. We figured if our landlor didn't give a fuck enough to fix it for us, we would do it ourselves. There.

So, back to Monday and the drill. I hear Darrell using a drill and I look out of my doorway and don't see him. So I figured he is in Vicki's house. I go up there and see him sitting on the stairs drilling the door shut.

"Hey, Darrell, Daniel already screwed that door shut for you," I tell him.
"Yeah I see that. Don't fuck with my house, lady!"
Whoa. What?

So, me and my landlord get into a fucking screaming match in the hallway. Because Daniel put a screw hole in his 400 year old cheap ass door. My neighbor even came out to back me up on it. He said that he had called too, and what is to stop someone from unscrewing those screws and opening the door again? He also said that he felt uncomfortable with it open.

The landlord then tells us that we shouldn't be uncomfortable because we have locks on our doors. So the fuck what! I have to WALK up the STAIRWAY and I don't know if someone is going to JUMP OUT AT ME! Did I not say that before?! I then screamed in his face what an ungodly amount of money we had to pay for our tiny ass shitty apartments, haven't asked for shit in a year and a half I've lived here, and he can't even do this shit in a timely mannar? What the fuck!

I don't even remember what all was said. After it was all said and done I kind of freaked out because I was worried he would evict us over this shit. I'm not sure if he can legally, because we don't owe him any money and everything was on time and early. So, I call Daniel and he doesn't answer. I then text him and tell him to call because it's important. He then texts me, "in an interview". That's good news!

So, he calls and I hyperventilate about all of this shit and he calms me down. He tells me he is going to talk to Darrell and Darrell will apologize. He tells me that if he tries to evict us over it he will have a lawsuit on his hands, and he would be a shitty person to evict a woman and her two kids.

I hear the landlord come back to change the locks upstairs. I went up there and apologized, because I really hate to shit where I eat. He apologized as well, and tells me he hates confrontations blah blah blah. So I guess all is good, but I still don't think I'm wrong.

It's now about 1 pm. I decide I am not waiting anymore for Natasha for her Denver/tweaker trip (I have decided that she wasn't going to the ER, but she didn't want to take Gage to a drug house) and I am going to take him back to his Dad. I really shouldn't have to babysit so his Dad can sleep and his Mom can get high. Oh, I wasn't offered any compensation, by the way. Except to let David go over to her house and play to give me a 'break'. I don't a fucking break, lady! I can actually handle my kids. I just need cash money!

So, I walk Gage across the street and tell him to wake his Dad and ask him to come downstairs. He goes upstairs and says, "Dad! Come on!!" Then comes to tell me, "He's just gonna lay there for a minute." So I go to the bottom of the stairs and yell, "R.W.! I can't babysit Gage anymore, I have stuff to do!" He yells back down at me, "That's fine! Thank you!" Whew.

I get home, and the Daniel comes home. He tells me his interview is for a pipefitter [I have no clue that this is, but it sounds dirty ]. I guess they are building a cheese factory. He said the interview went really well. Then, the phone rings. It was the guy that interviewed him asking for his DOB to run his info. We kind of squeal and high five each other, because they're not going run a background check if they're not interested in hiring him.

Then, around 5 pm, he gets another call. It's the interviewer again, offering him the job! $16/hour, 60 hours a week, anything over 40 hours is over time. Woo! So it's good money, and we're planning on moving out ASAP! We need a bigger house!!

Ugh, then yesterday I had some crud. I stayed up all night the night before with heartburn that was so fucking bad I wanted to puke. I was supposed to go to town yesterday to finish David's birthday shopping. By 7 am I was vomiting and my stomach was killing me. I got David out to school but had one of those "Shitty Mom" days with Tyler. I didn't get him up intil 9:30 and just laid some crackers with the peanut butter in the middle out for his breakfast. I was barely able to get him out of his crib so I knew I couldn't lift him into his high chair. My house is 100% baby-proof, so the only rooms Tyler can access is the living room and his bedroom. I laid on the couch and passed out for a bit. At about 1:30 I woke back up and put Tyler down for a nap. I'm so happy he takes long naps, because it saved my life. I should have asked Natasha to babysit, she owed me one.... Or two. Heh.

I feel better today, still queasy. But I think that's because my stomach was completely empty. I went to Greely today, got David the basketball he has been begging for, a few DS games (one of his presents is a DS), some cars toys, a DS Yoshi case. Oh, I scored Lego Batman for $10 at the pawn shop. He LOVES that game! They had just put it out. If I went yesterday, I would have missed it.

Oh, and it's raining cats and dogs. I'm a pussy driver in the rain. But the Pontiac handles great in the rain! I did 70 the whole way!

One last thing, I think this month will be the month! Instead of doing the reverse Shettles method to boost our chances of a girl, we just did it the whole time I am supposed to be ovulating. If not this month, then I'm going to start doing the OPK thing next month. I'm just tired of the TTC shit, it takes the fun out of sex!

previous entry: 30 Day Challenge, day 3

next entry: My attempt to be frugal

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