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The Liquid Bandage Enthusiast
by proxymoron
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The Liquid Bandage Enthusiast
by proxymoron

previous entry: 35 hours

next entry: Best/Worst Ordered Out Foods in America

Stuff to do today


I am making a list in hopes that looking at it will motivate my butt to leave the couch.

Wash Clothes (esp. white socks)
Sweep/Mop Kitchen
Unload/Reload/Run dishwasher
Fold Blankets
Leave The House!

Cleaning day...ugh. I really do need to get out tonight, though. I've been so lame lately.

What I really need is to get trashed with some friends. But everyone's busy with their girlfriends and boyfriends and their dates and crap. Stupid, stupid holidays.

previous entry: 35 hours

next entry: Best/Worst Ordered Out Foods in America

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I really need to get stuff done today too. But the lazy big has bitten me. *Sigh*

[Lilly~|0 likes] [|reply]

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