Here it is only the second month of the new year. Already it's been hell for lots.
My friend Tanya is severely depressed.
Being rejected by someone you love is extremely painful. She has no closure. Which I think is terrible. She's a super person. Very sweet and loves with everything she has when she is in love.
I feel so bad because other than listening and the calls checking up on her I don't know what else to do. Some say that's enough but when you care about someone and feel so helpless you want to do more. I'm not out to save her life but in a sense maybe that's what I'm doing.
She's been to doctors. She goes regularly. She's medicated.
How much can a person take? Her man cheating on her and leaving her with a 4 year old little boy...her brother was hit by a semi on the same day ...seriously...that her grandpa was told his cancer came back and also her stepmothers dad passed away.
Her brother was her main support system. You know other than us girlly girlfriends as he called us.
I am 13 hours away from her and I can't move back right now.
For christmas I was alone and so was she so I went home and hung out with her. The heaviness she carries around her is so thick. I felt it right away.
Do I tell her to get another theraist? Go to church? I dont know.
At this time...I'm really worried.
I don't know if this was a mistake or not...but one of my ex's who I am still friends with started talking to her. I was mentioning how she was doing...I think ..well I hope with his help we can both help her find peace. My intentions aren't to set them up but to be each others venting board. Another voiced opinion is always nice to hear.So let's see...Ali Amanda Bobby myself and her little boy.
That's a start for a support system. Better than what other people have.
Its early. She isn't up yet. So here I am venting to the bloop before I get an IM of tears.
*deep breath*
Positive thoughts! Continuous positive thinking is really quite hard to do. I'm trying to get her to do it one at a time. I never really believed fully in it. I started slow and now it comes so easy. =)
Things have changed for me...not in a bad way.
I am thinking she will get thru all this shit.
And roll over someday to someone who can look at her and love her to pieces.
I am thinking she will laugh a real laugh.
And feel so happy to walk into her house again. Weither it's a 4 year old greeting her or no one.
I am thinking she slept a full night. Dreaming or not. As long as she's rested for one day.
I am not asking too much.
*hugs* 2 Tanya.