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Pulchritude is my story.
by -Pulchritude-

previous entry: Welcome me for Bloop points!

next entry: I love my period.

Sorry Liver.


Mike's gone to work. I should be cleaning up my mess. Not a big mess but should get done.
Jer is coming to the city for the weekend. Now there's a guy one can only take for a limited amount of time. Loud and boisterious and a walking party he is.
The trips planned out for day one. The bar is picked out. The food's picked out. He's ready to rock and roll.
Which means...Mike and party pants will be toast tonight. I'll be cleaning up and washing faces of vomit. I am hoping it doesnt turn out that way. Really.
He's fun and makes me laugh. But wow can he party. I'm just not into that hardcore shit anymore I guess.
First time I met him we were bombing jagers like it was the last day on earth and got up the next day at 9pm. Went out for steaks. It was deadly. brrpbtttt!!
Boo to growing up and having responsibilities.
I don't work until monday but I want to go out and dance next friday. That's my plan.
So skipping this weekend to play nurse to two drunken men won't be a bad thing. I know they'll enjoy it. They're men.

previous entry: Welcome me for Bloop points!

next entry: I love my period.

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men r men i hope it goes well for u!

[*~Amber~*Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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