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Living in the whirlwind of life
by Bridgett AlexEus
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Living in the whirlwind of life
by Bridgett AlexEus

previous entry: Your not a princess.... Im sorry

next entry: who am i living for

101 days!


Till i turn 21 years old! and hopefully by then ill atleast have my own car and well on my way to having my own place.

My crazy mother said shes not going to nyc because her taxes were messed up why dose she need money there? everything is taken care of pretty much if she don't go im going either way im getting away from her for 3 days!.

Lee texted me at 2:30 this morning from his phone but i was sleeping then he IMed me on yahoo at 3 i just happened to wake up as my phone was getting the message he told me to come sleep at his house because he was lonely but i couldn't do that because by the time i got there it would of been close to 4 and i had to be back here by 6 that would of left like 40 minutes there 80 minute drive(round trip) for 40 minutes would of been a waste then we tried to work it out to hang out after i got off work and him off school but we still came up with only having 30 minutes wish he didnt live so far away.

ive picked off one hands nail polish now i remember why i dont paint them ha i get bored and pick it all off.

previous entry: Your not a princess.... Im sorry

next entry: who am i living for

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