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Living in the whirlwind of life
by Bridgett AlexEus

previous entry: finally got my raisins

next entry: Odd dreams lately*edit*

Been a month


I started this diary to get away from talking about guys and i haven't used it in a month. I have a different one on here (hiddensmile its like one update under this on the front page)

In my last entry i was 4 weeks pregnant and stressed to the point of crying when ever someone would talk to me.

I'm no longer pregnant can't say the same about the stress but that's life.

I'm fine just working every day (no joke im pulling a 10 day week) wishing i was making more money but that's not happening so I'm dealing with what I get.

I turn 21 in 22 days times going so fast I want it to slow down!

Have decided to stop whining about being single i mean really whats the point I should be use to it by now I've never had a boyfriend I mean i do want to know what its like to to have a guy care for me and want to be around me for more then sex but it hasnt happened yet so blah whatever

previous entry: finally got my raisins

next entry: Odd dreams lately*edit*

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