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Living in the whirlwind of life
by Bridgett AlexEus

previous entry: My day off

next entry: MvP

Children Children Children


So the neighbor children (12,5,4,2) have fallen in love with my house just as all children have in the past there mom had to drag them out the baby walked out told us bye then decided he wasn't leaving and ran for the couch his mom swung him under her arm we had to turn the nintendo off because the 5 year old had been playing for 5 hours he was the one that cried as his mother carried his brother in one arm and was pretty much draging the 5 year old their 12 year sister is rude to there mom told her to go away the 4 year old girl quietly left ha children are crazy and my niece is a spazz

previous entry: My day off

next entry: MvP

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