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Living in the whirlwind of life
by Bridgett AlexEus

previous entry: Its always yes

next entry: before you know it your frozen

eyes on the prize


good day started way to early but thats for the other diary .

got to work at 8 did my work left at 12:30.

they are calling for 5-8 inches of snow blah one last blast i hate hate hate snow!.

need spring now.

today is march 1! thats crazy ciara will be 8 years old in 12 days where has the time gone? i cant believe tomorrow will be 8 years since my uncle was hit by the car putting him in a coma for 4 months until we pulled the plug.

my niece's other half found a new girlfriend so my sisters depressed same story different day

previous entry: Its always yes

next entry: before you know it your frozen

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