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Living in the whirlwind of life
by Bridgett AlexEus

previous entry: Why am I sad?

next entry: Toothache

hes a jerk but thats ok


I was mad at Ian today but im over it . So his kids came home friday night I understood he was back in daddy mode that's all good that's his life and its how it should be but it also meant he was in hes gotta wife mode to and it made me sad he didn't call me at all yesterday I went to bed at 8 oclock I have for two nights in a row how sucky is that? anyways...

I was mad at him today because I went and asked him if he had taken a break yet because I knew he was fighting with everyone in that store the meat manager is trying to break him and wont let him get any help (me they are fighting over me ) so I asked if he took one yet he said no I said "why don't you go take one" he yelled at me at ME! he said "No I don't need a break I don't need help I can do this on my own!" I just kinda stood there for a minute like WTF? did i do to you. I walked away and didnt talk to him the rest of the day.

The meat manager told me to go down there and help him out cause he had alot of customers I said "no I'm not helping him he yelled at me" he asked why he yelled I said I asked if he needed help the meat manager said "fine I'll go help him see if he yells at me".

I stood around most of the day eating the samples they had for the customers ha I had like 12 things of crackers and cheese a big cup of orange soda and some other stuff.

I was not feeling the love from Mr.Collins at all and I was sad He hasn't been the same the pass few days, but he just called me and said he missed talking to me yesterday said hes going through Bridgett withdraws hahaha dork. Then he said Saeed told him he took me out yesterday what is wrong with that guy he really needs to stop saying stuff like that.

previous entry: Why am I sad?

next entry: Toothache

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