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Living in the whirlwind of life
by Bridgett AlexEus

previous entry: Poor baby

next entry: my dream

I can only be myself


A.v said he likes how Im not fake I don't try to please people funny its kinda true kinda not I mean I do try to make my family happy but I dont act any different really. donno my minds messed up.

Ian just called me to say he wanted to see me tonight seems hes forgot I'm on my period he said "I won't fall asleep this time"ha he always falls asleep but he also works at 6 every morning so its alright. He said hed call me when hes done... done what I donno what ha.

My cars on E Ive got two dollars in my pocket if I get 55 more cents I can get a gallon haha how sad.

previous entry: Poor baby

next entry: my dream

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