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Living in the whirlwind of life
by Bridgett AlexEus

previous entry: She's only 9 years old....

next entry: My niece.

I would say time flew...but


Honestly I don't remember life before Ciara.... As of today she has one month left of 9 years old she went from the tiny quiet perfect baby with a head full of hair to.... damn I am go to have to invest in some metal sticks..... shes going to be hated on by the girls and loved by the guys but if she keeps her attitude she will be fine... shes got s mouth and knows how to use it and no one is better then her if some one doesn't like her she don't even notice she goes about her life.... shes mean shes hard headed... shes almost double freaking digits!!!!!! and the punk said "well your 24" oh no lets not age me i am only 22! I need to move away before she gets to much bigger I don't think I can handle it. She def. has her own style... yet she wants to shop at the stores the other girls do just not buy anything they wear HA shes now in to holister (sp?) I had never steped in to that store before 2 weeks ago.

previous entry: She's only 9 years old....

next entry: My niece.

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