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Living in the whirlwind of life
by Bridgett AlexEus

previous entry: Didnt get any where by shaking hands

next entry: Im just crazy

ice cold


so i came home from work at 1 took a shower and laid down and didnt get up till 11 at night at 10:30 ciara came in my room and she touched my arm with her ice cold hand and i was having a dream again about monkeys flying and i hit her in the nose i heard her go down stairs and say "SHE HIT ME IN THE NOSE! i was just trying to see if she was alive because i love her!" ill say sorry tomorrow i didnt hit her that hard it kinda just shocked her a bit she didnt walk away for like 30 seconds ha.

my room is so cold.

im so not tired anymore but i bet if i laid down i would sleep.

i get a day off tomorrow to kind of them really .

wednesday is going to be busy at work just one person is working in the meat room so as soon as i get done seafood i gotta go over there and put out there order joy to my life.

someone was IMing my phone while i was sleeping and they wouldn't stop so in my dream my cell phone was going off also and i through it up against the wall it solved the problem when i woke up i had 10 messages it was some random person from yahoo that i talk to sometimes now that person thinks im mad at them good maybe they will leave me alone as they are a bit annoying.

previous entry: Didnt get any where by shaking hands

next entry: Im just crazy

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