Music Shuffle - First Lines!
Put your music player on shuffle, and answer with the first lines! The first thing you say when you wake up:: Every Where I'm turning nothing seems complete The last thing you say before you go to sleep:: Baby don't you be so mean You get lost in the countryside and in anger you shout:: Things just aint the same The person you secretly love asks you out, you say:: Stopped by to see ya just the other day Your best friend asks you what you think of their outfit, you say:: Let it rain A waiter is very rude to you in a restaurant, you complain:: Want to but I can't help it Someone tries to steal your bag! You chase them down the street screaming:: I'm flat on the floor Your partner has just asked you to get married! You answer:: Last night I slept alone You believe life would be better if everyone lived by the motto:: Young and energetic You just got a detention for something you didn't do! You say:: If I told ya that I wanted to see you You have just caught someone telling a whopping great lie, you say:: All Alone on my knees I pray Your grandma has bought you a present that you don't like, you say:: I didn't ask to go with you Some moron just drove their van into your brand new car! You shout:: I hope the ring you gave to her turns her finger green You are at a wedding and the bride asks you to say a few words, you say:: Wasn't me Your partner has just broken up with you, you say:: I know I said I would roll with you put my life on hold for you You are late for class again! Your excuse is:: This time this place missused mistakes When you are scared, to give yourself confidence you repeat to yourself:: I don't wanna get up baby If you were elected Prime Minister of Britain, you would comment:: Throw your hands up if you know he love you When asked your opinion of Britney Spears, you reply:: Oh how you sparkle When asked your opinion of God, you reply:: I had it all but I let it slip away When asked your opinions on gay marriage, you reply:: Sitting here wonder what you thinking When asked your opinion on war, you reply:: Maybe this decision was a mistake When asked your opinion of love at first sight, you reply:: Suppose I called you up tonight You have been arrested for murder! In your defence you say:: Ive found piece of mind Im feeling good again You have had a really bad day, you say:: The only one who held your hand You want to tell your partner that you love them, but instead say:: I don't know where to begin Your enemy starts talking to you so you tell them:: If I were a boy When you die, you hope people remember you with the words:: There were words between us words that hurt inside Your last words before you die will be:: Cause I'll be there in the back of your mind
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