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Living in the whirlwind of life
by Bridgett AlexEus

previous entry: First entry

next entry: eyes on the prize

Its always yes


ive been listening to nickleback alot lately my title is a part of one of there songs.

Im so slipping at work its horrible they arnt going to make me manager if i dont get better ive been so lazy my boss is really trying with me but i cant seem to get motivated only making 8.35 an hour now if i was working for 19 an hour right now i would have the whole place shinning i really need that money i really need to move out this year my mother and I are just at the point of breaking ha thats really the main reason im not going to NYC i dont wanna be there when she gets in one of her moods.

Ciara had her last basketball game today shes happy its over so am i, I dont know why but i could not get in to it but then again soccer bores me to just not a sports person.

I need to find the back pack we took to nyc last nov. i dont think i ever unpacked it ha its still got all the maps and train papers in it. maybe i should clean my room umm thats a good idea .

Its really hard to not type about guys haha ive got random stories guess ill be updating my other diary after this Its under the name Hiddensmile

previous entry: First entry

next entry: eyes on the prize

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