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Living in the whirlwind of life
by Bridgett AlexEus

previous entry: Should I have been embarrassed?

next entry: Not good. ~~

June 13th


Middle of the year already how crazy is that?!

Working nights now.... It's not nice I am use to being done with work at 12.... now I don't even start till 4 oh well atleast its a pay check.

I was trying to sleep but the dumb cat keeps taking things off the wall and the orange cat is hiding under the bed with her head sticking out.... so not a cat person.

Why am I watching Disney? and why have I been watching it for 2 days?!

previous entry: Should I have been embarrassed?

next entry: Not good. ~~

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Disney is le awesome I love watching it

[Mistress SarahStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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