Stupid fly keeps getting on my screen.
Been so bored for two days just sitting at home at night sucks.
Haven't talked to Ian on the phone since like Wednesday I was missing him tonight I listened to all his voice mails I have saved I know I see him everyday but its not the same at work. My fav. message was from like the first week we really started to talk it said "Ive been thinking alot about you tonight wish I would of said goodnight to you so I'm saying it now" and also "just wanted to hear your voice and talk to you"
My throat is killing me.
Ive been up stairs like 3 times tonight thinking I'll sleep but then I get bored of that how sad. I almost fell asleep at my sisters house this afternoon but she woke me up to take her to work. booo.
Today when Ian was telling me about him and saeed watching my house he said saeed said to him "Bridgett just messes everyone up she sleeps around" Ian said to him"why you haten?" haha. He said he was thinking either saeed was mad cause I wouldn't give him any or I gave him some and wont anymore. I Never EVER would do anything with that boy!
I really wish Ian would take me with him this week but I know he was not really meaning it when he asked if I wanted to go with him I would just be in his way.
MAKE MY NOISE STOP RUNNING! that's the worse part of being sick for me oh besides the bump on my lip.