Odd dreams lately*edit* | 06/21/2009 |
Last nights dream (6/20)
I dont remember much but i know i was in highschool and the last part there was a mall and i was racing up the stairs with a little boy (donno who he was) and when we got to the top tupac (yes the rapper) was sitting there and said "if I were alive i would of shot you" i said "okkkk" and pushed the little boy back down stairs haha
Past two nights ive had the oddest dreams:
Thursday night/Friday morning:
I was at my sisters apartment with Ciara and my mother called and asked if i wanted to go to the store i said alright but i had to leave Ciara home alone because my mother was drving a two seater sports car and my brother was in it with her. I gave ciara all the rules about not opening doors or the phone.
I had to get in the trunk and like open the back seat part so i could breathe. Then it switched to me getting a text from Anthony asking me to come over so i got in i guess it was my car by now it was the one i drive in real life (mothers car).
The whole dream It was Anthony but his name was Jayson
I pulled in to a neighborhood and a girl was standing in the parking lot all smiley and anthony was like next to her he waved to me and i parked. When i got out the girl like came and grabbed my hand and asked me where i got my shorts at (they were the tiny shorts i was really sleeping in) then i took both my hand and smacked Anthonys back like joking he turned around and smiled at me.
We walked in to a town house and went to the basement there was a couch all around the walls of the room with a bunch of girls sitting there and Anthony sat down and I stood and looked at the girl next to him she was having a convo witht he girl next to her i almost sat in the middle of them but then she saw me and smiled and moved over and i sat next to Anthony.
I was sitting looking at my cell phone and he lifted my face and kissed me and we made out like it was nothing that the room was full. He told me he was hungry for his favorite food i asked him what? he said "pizza but i dont have the money" me and the girl from the parking lot started talking about how much we had i said i had 20 on my credit card (which I really did) but Anthony said he would just pay his dad back he didnt want me spending my money.
Then i remembered Ciara was still alone and i left my phone in the car so i went out to get it and there were pictures of her at rio so she was fine with her mom. I walked back in I couldn't decide if i wanted to put my car keys in his bedroom of hold them i ended up carrying them back in to the basement the room had turned in to a game show i woke up after that.
This mornings dream
I was getting married i don't know to who but i was getting married in a cake shop but somehow my cake i picked out got lost so i had to order some pumpkin orange one and i was at a house getting ready and some objects came to life and destroyed the house we had to call someone to come get them it was a mess and the dream ended with me leaving for the wedding with no wedding dress i was in jeans and a tshirt (i so would get married like that). And the whole time all the people around me were like family and stuff but there was no one from my real life. |
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