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Living in the whirlwind of life
by Bridgett AlexEus

previous entry: Im just crazy

next entry: Fricken frick!

Please dont worry bout me i'm fine.


Yea that's from the ne-yo song.

Had to work with creeper today wasnt to bad all he said was "HEY GIRL! how are you?" made me want to punch him in the face wasnt in the mood for happy people.

"only going to play the fool one time"

Im doing alright today its just going to take time yes i felt like crying alot no i didnt feel like being at work i just wanted to crawl in to my bed and not wake up for a long time but i will make it through and i will be stronger i will be smarter i will learn to say no in the future. I left work an hour and 10 minutes early i couldn't take it anymore just being in giant is hard all i could think about was what he was doing in his store at the time.

Sitting in my car last night looking in his eyes kissing his lips i almost let my thoughts become words but i knew that would do no good it would just get me hurt I was leaning my head against his, rubbing the back of his head and all i could think was he should be with me not her this shouldn't be good bye this should be i donno what it should have been but when he got out of my car and opened the front door to tell me he was just going to walk home i was kinda glad just because the sooner he was away from me the sooner i could start to forget yea right ill never forget. hugging him i didn't want to let go. I wasnt paying much attention driving home i donno how i made it safely here i dont remember most of the 20 minute drive.

Not heartbroken just miserable.

previous entry: Im just crazy

next entry: Fricken frick!

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