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Living in the whirlwind of life
by Bridgett AlexEus

previous entry: Avoiding school stuff.

Times when you need a video camera


I was sitting in the living room with Ciara... My 11 year old niece, yesterday she was drawing or something and just talking she said "I don't know why people get sad when they break up...." then she asked why they do I said "Because they are just sad you will find out one day" She said "Who has time for that... they aren't the last person on earth just move on." Oh I wish I could have video taped that to show her in about 5 years (longer if we are all lucky!).

She is such a strong little lady most days... then some days you look at her wrong and shes a puddle of tears.

I want her to keep her way of thinking even if it makes me wanna strangle her some days. She just says whats on her mind.

She will be home in a little bit.

previous entry: Avoiding school stuff.

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