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Living in the whirlwind of life
by Bridgett AlexEus

previous entry: 101 days!

next entry: Walk away and count to 10

who am i living for


i love that song its rihannas song called questions.

I just checked my credit score and its 635 for the equifax and 610 for experain and 578 for the other one! its good its good! it was 570 and 548 last month so its going up!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can so have it higher by may and ill be able to leave here!!!!!!!!

Creeper was moving his stuff in to the apartment next to my sister today blah!

Know what bugs me when guys think they know me well enough to be able to tell what mood i am in through a text message last night Jc texted me and asked if i was off i said almost and asked him what he was doing he said he didnt know but he was horny and asked if i could help i said that would be a no he sent back wow i asked him wow what he said nothing i sent back sex doesnt excite me anymore (ive never slept with him) he sent back "your boring lololol" i sent back yea i guess i am and he asked why i was acting weird i dont even like him i wish he would just give up im never hooking up with him and that seems like all he wants... thats why i dont go out with guys more then 2 years older then me (hes 25)

previous entry: 101 days!

next entry: Walk away and count to 10

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