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Rachel anne's Diary
by Rachel anne

previous entry: Welcome arrow to the heart.

next entry: just..

I haven't


gotten any better :/. I'm hoping it's nothing to serious, I'm making an appointment to see my doctor, I hope I get in today. I haven't really ate anything because it hurts so bad, even water. I have been drinking water though. I haven't been sleeping well either. I wish I would just get better!

previous entry: Welcome arrow to the heart.

next entry: just..

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you should try like gatorade or powerade. it will give you a little engery. just drink it slow. and u need to eat even though it hurts, just make sure its sometime cold and easy to salloww!!

ryc: yeah, well you will have one sometime. haha. but everybody does, so don't let it bother u when it does happen!!

[up against the wall|0 likes] [|reply]

okay. let me get on. lol

[up against the wall|0 likes] [|reply]

Hope you feel better.

[Paula, :)|0 likes] [|reply]

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