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Rachel anne's Diary
by Rachel anne

previous entry: looking for my mind.

next entry: Welcome arrow to the heart.



I have been having nightmares that get so bad they wake me up multiple times a night. To top it off I'm sick, and my boyfriend was getting texts and voice mails from people he's not sure he knows coming from his ex-girlfriends phone. I trust him and all but she was his first girlfriend and he cared a lot about her, should I be worried?

previous entry: looking for my mind.

next entry: Welcome arrow to the heart.

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when you are sick, it's normal to have dreams like that. that is how i am when i'm sick... i dont think that you should worry about you boyfriend. if you know that you can trust him, that is all that counts.

[up against the wall|0 likes] [|reply]

that is a good sign that you feel that way about him!!!

[up against the wall|0 likes] [|reply]

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