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Happiness is the way.
by saminal
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Happiness is the way.
by saminal

next entry: TOTW - Immortality

Strengths and Weaknesses


There is no strength that is never a weakness.
There is no weakness that is never a strength.

That which is flexible remains unbroken.

Knowing when your strengths are weaknesses and your weaknesses strengths is flexibility.

I've been at bloop a while. I lost a few years of stuff, and I like to make the best of whatever happens to me, so I'm starting anew.

I don't really want to make this diary about me, as such. I let people know what's happening in my life on facebook, you can find me there if you haven't already. I started reading 'Living the Wisdom of the Tao' today. It reminded me of when I was reading the Art of War and I wanted to share the things it made me think about. So that's what I'm going to do. I never felt like I had such interesting things to say that I should write here every day, and so I'll write here when a thought occurs to me that I want to get down.

Love Sami xx

next entry: TOTW - Immortality

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So I take it you're not so original anymore.

[Anonymous SourceStar|0 likes] [|reply]

That is quite an interesting though... I think I agree.

And lol at the comment above.


[internationalStar|0 likes] [|reply]


You were indeed lucky to get a job right away. That's not meant to say that you didn't deserve one, just that job hunting is hard! lol Although, you were actually allowed to work there with your visa right? I can't get that same visa... so I'm basicly looking for a job that would give me that visa to allow me to stay and work there...


[internationalStar|0 likes] [|reply]

A job? lol

Other than a job though... well aparently that whole sponsoring thing... I can't get Mike to sponsor me until a year after i graduate or something? Doesn't make much sense to me, but aparently Mike found that out a while ago...

Married would definitely do it. Unfortunetly I'm not ready for that yet. lol

I just wish I could find a job. That would solve everything for me right now.


[internationalStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Yay! At least you're back in some form.

[Me, I'm NotStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Is this going to be like that diary you bought to write your thoughts in? Cos that didn't go too well....


[|stripes|Star|0 likes] [|reply]

ryc: yeah i love that we're different really. i'm angry at all the things that piss us off, and he's patient and jovial at all the things i can't be.

lol, well yeha he is 25. i guess that is past his peak but when he is up for it i'm certainly not complaining! i'm just weird and wanting it waaaay more

[& skull.Star|0 likes] [|reply]


[& skull.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

You should also post recipes. I remember when you would post what you had eaten and all of the names sounded so delicious and you should post the recipes so I can pretend to be cultured.

[An Unfinished LadyStar|0 likes] [|reply]

i'm glad you're starting anew!!


[ღMonsoonStar|0 likes] [|reply]

*finally gets online* you're on holiday!
yay lisa finally has the net again
hope you are having a good holiday so far

[e|jaih|0 likes] [|reply]

hm, how could i forget about you!! your sami!!
i hadnt heard from you in a while..
so i thought i would sms you.
i think i told you im heading up around easter time, no set date yet, but i will let you know and we can see about catching up

[e|jaih|0 likes] [|reply]

he he well like i said, its because we hardly ever get to see each other, and its our thing, to take a photo at all exciting evens, birthdays, christmas, new years..

i'm going to talk to the boss about easter tomorrow!!
*fingers crossed*

[e|jaih|0 likes] [|reply]

Yay! Saminal is back!

[CWBushStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Changed it, sorry loser.

[Lindy|0 likes] [|reply]

as i said to laura, i dont know what day it would be i would come up all depends on whats happening when i get up there..
oh, what brings you to sydney if and when you come??
let me know what date so i can get the day off, even if its a half an hour visit ill come say hi

[e|jaih|0 likes] [|reply]

well I still dont know what Im doing once Im in England, but I know what Im doing to get me there! YAY!

It's a shame our Blooping days are over. and I havent seen you online in ages!? but thats probably because you were being busy being social. I am really happy that your Australia life is totally working out for you, and you got to meet Ev !! I hope that ultimately I'll find my place in England like that tooooooooooooo...

This new diary of yours isnt really working out is it ? THATS OKAY, YOU ARE STILL AWESOMELY COOL! xx

[marty|0 likes] [|reply]

Well, ok you can be my friend... but you must write an entry about how cool me and my cats are.

[Lady Blue BellaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I think you should write an entry Sami!


[internationalStar|0 likes] [|reply]

next entry: TOTW - Immortality

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