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Sam's Bloopdiary
by Sammy Joe

previous entry: Good morning Bloopsters..

next entry: Conan the Barbarian and all that jazz...

I love Tim's hot cocoa!


Actually, I love hot cocoa period. It is a chocolatey warm hug on a cold day!

Today, is Caturday...

Readers, are you a cat person or a dog person? I am a cat person. I like when they purr or chirp at the birds, or give you tiny meows to show their affection, I love their soft fur, I love their attitude. Cat-titude. Or tortie-tude if you have a tortoiseshell cat.

I guess today is the day I maintain my computer. Y'know, virus scanning, defragging, that kind of thing.


previous entry: Good morning Bloopsters..

next entry: Conan the Barbarian and all that jazz...

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got 2 cats: an orange tabby and grey tabby with loads of cat-titude! lol

[Greta GarbageStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I'm owned by a Russian blue named George.

[Sammy Joe|1 like] [|reply]

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